May 8-11 May 15-17 May 28-30
Any questions ?
Martin managed to get a ticket on
Oct 25th via Singapore, Warsaw and to Oslo.
Martin got his tax ID, but the address was all screwed up, | |
Aug 4th, off to Yet Kieu swimming
pool. It is 1,7 kms from Martin's room. Too far. And worst of all, they
charge you by the hour. 1,80 USD. Nice 50 meters long. |
It was difficult to find. And it had a kiddy pool as well. |
The showers were adequate. And so were the lockers. |
Opening times were confusing. Open from 0530 to 0730 or what? But the worst part is that they charge you by the hour.35K dongs or 1,80 USD. Swimming for 2 hors is getting expensive. |
Long side view. The pool looked
clean and clear. Short side view. |
The shower facilities. The exit. |
Taxation street. After handing over some tax papers to the tax man, Martin met this smiling waitress. |
She had a broad smile and so had
Martin. Local getting rid of their rubbish. Not much of a rubbish container. |
Wet swimmers coming
from the sea. Not nice. Martin's favorite oysters food. Grilled with bacon. |
Tchung with Martin's
favorite food. Another lovely dish Martin hasn't tried but will. |
Lovely, Martin had it
twice. Horrible beet completely inedible due to heavy chilly sauce. NOT recommende. |
This is a lovely one
too. Martin loves sesame seed. One of the locals with the Dane, Montana. He is a very interesting character. |
Here is the grilled beef with satay sauce. Nice. |
On Sunday Aug 9th, it was time for
more Nha Trang.