This was a memorable day down memory lane. Martin loved it.
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P29BobsRoom_small.jpg) |
To the left, Martin checking out mail on Bob's computer
early in the morning. Bob has gotten himself a nice, new and practical
computer, perfect for his need. To the right,
Bob's dog Fox is furious on Bob throwing the rubbish out because it thinks
that it may be something edible in it. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P31BobRubbishDog_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P34EmpireRoad_small.jpg) |
Driving down to Johannesburg center, we are passing over the
the highway. Cop car way out of it's
jurisdiction. A young cop lady, most probably the mistress of some big, fat
police officer out on a shopping spree in working hours. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P35CopCar_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P38SkyLine_small.jpg) |
Well known skyline of Johannesburg. Martin passed it every
working day for four years. Empty offices all
over the place. This one has been empty for some 8 years. Crime is killing
Johannesburg business district. No one is out after dark, and only blacks
during the day. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P40EmptyOffices_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P41NewSA_small.jpg) |
The new South Africa? The right to commit any crime you want
with no repercussion from the law. They are simply not interestedd in
anything than looking after their fat pay and perks.
Another lovely empty building. Just put up in the early 90ties and been
mostly empty since then. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P45AnotherEmpty_small.jpg) |
Where Bob buys the feed for his birds. 300 kgs suffice for 3 months. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P48FeedBought_small.jpg) |
Bob finished shopping bird feed.
And all the 300 kgs on the back of Bob's bakkie. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P51Loaded_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P54CarltonHotelEmpty_small.jpg) |
Carlton Hotel, closed down for good in mid 90ties. Was a
five star hotel sinse it was build in the early 60ties. Crime killed it. The
same with the Carlton Center behind.
Outside Salisbury Arms pub, a very busy place
before the new SA. No mostly empty with a bordello upstairs. This was the
first time in 6 years Bob visited his favorite watering hole. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P57SalsburyPub_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P58BobsMeny_small.jpg) |
Bob having a look at the menu, but decided not to.
Bob and Martin enjoying a solitude beer in the bar. Just four other blacks
there. Whiteys are rare here. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P59LovelyBeer_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P60Hunters_small.jpg) |
Hunter's commercial was fascinating rotating slowly all the
time. Martin having a K beer drinking it K
style. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P61KafirStyle_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P62SalsburyPub_small.jpg) |
Outside Salisbury Arms Pub, the gate warden is taking a
picture of us. Martin's old work place outside
the central business district. Here Martin worked from 1975 to 1977 when he
went to Welkom. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P69IBM1977_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P71UglyRes_small.jpg) |
An ugly residential building in Randburg.
Hein and Nicky, Bob's drinking buddies at the Matey's. Bob's favorite
watering hole these days. Just around the corner from where he lives. Not
far to drive. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P77HeinNicky_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P78JustineBob_small.jpg) |
Bob and Justine. Good old friends.
And overview of the table outside. Nice guys and gals. |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P80TableFor6_small.jpg) |
![](SmallOnes/Dec04P81LapDog_small.jpg) |
Lapping dog that drink beers as well. A nice end on a
fascinating day. |