Jun 16 - 30, more Westwood.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Vietnam.


Ammo produkjsons bilder.

Apr 21-30

May  1-15

May 16-31

Jun  1-15


Aug  1-15

Aug 12
Off to Czech

Aug 13
In Vaclavov, Czech

Aug 14
Off to Wroclaw, Polen

Aug 15
Back to Norway

Aug 16-28

Aug 29
Off to Korea


Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063



Martin had his full Rock'n Roll shooting competition this week on the 16th of June.

Karl Martin is with his Dad helping Martin setting up the range.

Karl Martin at the range.

Martin getting ready.

Martin and Petter shooting 6 in the lower A.

Starting sitting with the hands behind you head. Ruben, Catho and Martin.

This is the target to the right and you can read the program here.

Results, not much to brag about.

June 18th, Martin teaching Karl Martin how to use the air gun.

Karl Martin and Martin on the veranda.

June 19th, MartinK unloaded the car.

MartinK and MartinT have set up the targets.


Martins at 6 shots in 4 seconds on the bottom A. Fun.

MartinK and his revolver.


Patching up after the shoot.

Finished swimming. Martin feels great.

Back at the car and ready to take off back to WestWood, breakfast and a nap.

Back at WestWood, fresh salad from the Garden.

Martin's breakfast. Roll, liver paste and skimmed milked with fresh salad. Then Martin took a 2 hours' nap.

2019th, MartinK takes an ice cold dip in his tub.

He has made it from an old fridge. Good for your healt.

June 19th, MartinK bought MartinT's shares in his company.


And MartinT was buying some stuff for his house.


June 19th, MartinK bought MartinT's shares in his company.

This is the door, all taped up.

MartinT's fridge has bad hinges. Therefore this warrant sticker on the fridge door.



On Friday July 1st, it was time for

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Any comments?

Last updated on July 20, 2022 at 15:56 hours.