Aug 15, Back in WestWood.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Vietnam.


Ammo produkjsons bilder.

Apr 21-30

May  1-15

May 16-31

Jun  1-15


Aug  1-15

Aug 12
Off to Czech

Aug 13
In Vaclavov, Czech

Aug 14
Off to Wroclaw, Polen

Aug 15
Back to Norway

Aug 16-28

Aug 29
Off to Korea


Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063



Up at 0400 to get to the plane departing at 0610 for Torp, Norway.

Wroclaw airport early in the morning.

Martin is tired waiting to depart.

Off to the plane. A very long walk. Fortunately, no rain.

The Wizz air we were flying. Very cramped and you couldn't lean the seat back.

We boarded at the end.

And off we went, on time.

On Tuesday August 16th, it was back at Westwood, preparing the Korean trip.

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Any comments?

Last updated on July 20, 2022 at 16:21 hours.