The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway and in Bangkok just now. Map of lovely Thailand and Jomtien.
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Time to go to Mitsubishi Motors with Lai's sister.
Lai is talking business.
Martin at the Internet café.
Lai and Jan's wife. She runs the beauty shop.
Martin and the local shop keeper.
Off to her Mom's place, some 20 kms outside Nang Rong.
At Lai's Mom's house.
Lai's Mom and sister sorting out fish from the water system in the area.
Lai's sister has a very big house, mostly empty. Why? Martin doesn't know.
Cleaning fish for lunch.
Lai and her oldest sister.
They are tiling it from the outside.
Flowers everywhere outside Lai's Mom's house
Lai's Mom is cooking outside every night on this oven.
Off to the supermarket to buy some stuff for Lai.
Martin is having his night cap just outside the residential area where Lai lives.
The next day, Wednesday September 26th, it was time for a visit to the pool and Roy's bar in Buri Ram.
Back to the beginning.
August 02, 2012 at 11:47 hours.