The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning
they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather
in Norway and in
Bangkok just now. Map of lovely Thailand and
After morning swim and massage, Martin left for
Chang with Mam.
This is the 50 meter long pool at the
Amari Emerald Hotel and the room which Martin booked, with mountain
The van was 30 minutes late and had to go all around Pattaya to pick up passengers. These
Japanese tourists were having towels for raincoats.
There is no
farting in the van.
The view from inside the van.
First leak stop on route. 10
minutes for toilet visits and shopping.
Man and a rather unfriendly driver. Mam didn't like
Nicely sculptured trees at the gas station.
A rather worried Mam at the next stop.
Martin and Mam with Martin's favorite, see weed. Nice and healthy.
Filling up liquid qas.
Mam has her business to attend to and use of cell phones next to the gas is not permitted,
The gas mechanism in the van.
Mam is getting the tickets to the ferry to take us across to Koh Chang.
The ferry is in the background.
Mam is entering the ferry.
Mam is crossing the deck. It took some 25 minutes
to get across.
Martin and Mam on deck.
Having a beer on the trip over.
A nice Swiss guy, Vasco and his Polish girlfriend that Martin met on the ferry.
A bunch of Chinese tourists with Vasco
in the foreground.
Martin with a couple from China.
Martin and Mam in the Thai taxi that
took us to the hotel.
Vasco and the Polish lady in the taxi.
Mam was rather uncomfortable in the
taxi. We were 9 persons and it was rather cramped.
Mam and
another traveler discussing a point.
Mam doing her English lessons in bed.
One of the questions were difficult.
Mam newly showered and fresh.
Martin and Mam in bed together.
Very sexy lady. Look at those legs.
Slim and teder.
Martin and Mam ready for dinner in Martin's
fancy Goan shirts from India.
At the dinner table. Fish for the
Mam looks stunning in her long dress.
And very lovely.
Off to a local bar where Adam and Susan were running the show.
Martin and Mam at the bar before going home.
The next day, Friday September
14th, was Martin's first full day at Koh Chang with lovely Mam