Sep 24 - First full day with Lai
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway and in Bangkok just now. Map of lovely Thailand and Jomtien.

August 2012
September 2012

  1. Saturday
    Off to Jomtien
  2. Sunday
    Settling in
  3. Monday
    Immigration part I
  4. Tuesday
    Fon arrived
  5. Wednesday
    Working for Terje
  6. Thursday
    Rainy and Pat
  7. Friday
    Windy Day
  8. Saturday
    Dentist visit
  9. Sunday
    Swim & Massage
  10. Monday
    First Beach trip
  11. Tuesday
    Mam swims
  12. Wednesday
    Another lazy day
  13. Thursday
    Off to Koh Chang
  14. Friday
    First full day with Mam
  15. Saturday
    Martin sore throat
  16. Sunday
    Another rainy day
  17. Monday
    Last day on Koh Chang
  18. Thuesday
    Returning to Jomtien
  19. Wednesday
    First day with Lai
  20. Thursday
    Rainy day
  21. Friday
    Lazy day with Lai
  22. Saturday
    Far, Lai's sister
  23. Sunday
    Off to Nang Rong
  24. Monday
    Fooling around with Lai
  25. Thuesday
    Lai's mother
  26. Wednesday
    Visiting Wolfgang
  27. Thursday
    Roy's restaurant
  28. Friday
    Fon & SauerKraut
  29. Saturday
    Last day in Buri Ram
  30. Sunday
    Back to Jomtien
October 2012
November 2012

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Martin's first full day at Nang Rong was hectic and interesting.

Lai on her scooter. She is not very keen to use a helmet. Martin had to force her to wear one.

Lai's back garden with a little table among the trees.

Jai's house and big SUV in the front. It is a 4x4 car.

The other houses in Lai's street is under construction.

Lai's house number 8/37. It is a brand new street as can be seen on the previous picture.

Lai has some bread fruits in her garden as well.

Martin looks real stupid in his scooter helmet.

Lai's in the Public Notaries' Office to her house registered n her name. But her arsehole husband, Ralph Georg Rück, born July 1st, 1939, causes her no end of grief.

Outside the office, the typical hassle and bustle of local Thais.

Lai is getting her ID-card copied and some pages of a manual.

Martin tried to get Internet working, but did not succeed.

The local post office.

Martin went to the cop shop to get his driver's license approved. It was OK. Martin can drive Lai's car.

Time to do some food shopping.

Lai doesn't have a washing machine and do it by hand.

Wolfgang Werner is a nice friend of Lai's. He helps her with her shitty husband and the legal wrangles he causes.

Wolfgang is off to his work.

Martin took the car for a test drive. It worked well. He stopped and took this photo of a local water buffalo.

Then off to visit the local swimming pool seen here.

Lai and the pool boy is having a chat.

Lai's car parked at the market.

Lai has just posted a postcard for Martin's daughter Tanya in South Africa. As most Thai ladies, she doesn't like the sun.

In the market, a pig head for Muslims.

The fish is alive and kicking in the market. Amazing.

The fish is fresh, but the meat is more questionable.

Fresh chickens are also for sale.

Time to shop some local beers. Seen here behind the dog.

Martin has shopped his afternoon beer.

Martin is enjoying his afternoon beers, all 3 of them.

Microlite in the air over Lai's house.

At Sabi's, a Thai woman is taking care of a German.

Lai and Martin at Sabi.

Lai and her friend.

Lai is wet after a trip home in the rain on a scooter.

The next day, Tuesday  September 25th, it was time for a visit to the swimming pool and to Lais mother.

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August 02, 2012 at 11:47 hours.