Jul 10 -16, Lockdown in Nha Trang.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Vietnam.


Jul 1-8

Jul 9-15

Jul 16-24

Jul 25-31

Aug W1

Aug W2

Aug W3

Aug W4

Aug W1

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Lockdown started the day before.

July 12th, June and Martin went to have a look at a new flat. Here outside LaVilla as it is called.

La Villa hotel is located in the heart of the city’s tourist district of Nha Trang, a 5-minute walk from the beach, and includes a fashionable hotel, apartments, exquisite restaurant and an exclusive wine cellar. La Villa features a unique Spanish-style design, elegant architectural solutions, bright, elegant colors that together create a festive atmosphere for guests and visitors.

Bed with 4 pillows.

Big living room.

Nice coach.

Down the dreaded stairs. Only negative.

Entrance from the top.

Artworks in the bar are amazing.

And very beautiful.

The view from the top.


More balconies.

Then 17 minutes walk to Martin's favorite, the pool. June and Martin at the pool.

Martin and the Old Lady.

Nice old lady tat life as treated badly.

Martin passes her every day and and over some 20 NOK every second day.

She deserves it, collecting cans and paper to survive. "Rubbish" ladies are they called.

July 13th, June and Martin went to LaVilla again. Martin had lovely oysters with grilled vegetables.

Martin checked the balcony for washing line. Yes, can be done.

Our future room 302.

The el-meter for 302 showing 5910,2 KWH.

Plenty of washing machines on the 5th floor.  
July 14th, June and Martin went to LaVilla again. Here in our new 2 bedroom flat. Watch the video.

The balcony next to Montana.

Our new room number.

June and Martin.

Big new kitchen with ceramic top and plenty space.

Down to the ground floor for a beer or 3.

Lovely shrimps for lunch.

Pam, June's long time friend.

On Sarutdday July 19th, we went to Champa Island for a few days.

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Last updated on October 11, 2021 at 18:38 hours.