The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real
thing. You just click them. The weather
in Norway
and in
Bangkok just now.
Martin visited the Norwegian embassy for bank papers and
went swimming and met Sa.
To the left, the streets of Bangkok on
the way to the Norwegian embassy.
Martin's Tuc-Tuc driver.
Fancy bushes outside the embassy.
Arab Icelandic fan with the Icelandic flag around his
Rear view of the Icelandic flag.
Siri from Norway and her brother and friend.
Scarf cunts next to the pool. What a pain
to wear all this clothing in the sun.
Islamic, proper swimwear. Will this jalla sink?
Maxims where Martin enjoyed a nice lunch.
Martin's pickup, Sa at the pub.
Sa is a working girl. Nice personality
and very pro.
Sa's friend.
Working on Martin's leg.
Sa's new swimsuit.
Not bad for an old lady.
Sa and one of her working mates.
Snake head fish. Very good and tasty.
The fish was chosen to by Sa. The perfect meal. Without
A lovely phony tail.
Martin with Sa and her friends.
Cat is a very aggressive girl. She came
to Martin's room, too NOK 1000 = 5000 baths and € 200 = 8000 baths and
With a skew look at everything in the world.
Cute bar attendant next to the oyster
Zoe with the Elvis scarf
around her.
The next day, Friday
July 23rd, it was
time to leave for Pattaya.