The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real
thing. You just click them. The weather
in Norway
and in
Bangkok just now.
Tiap's biggest problem is her lack of English
understanding. It creates a lot of misunderstandings and complicates the
situation. She has to improve her English to have any hope with Martin.
To the left, Martin and Tiap posing on
Ao's bike. Tiap really know how to
dress sexy. She makes and old man wishing to be younger. |
Tiap dragging Martin's computer bag up to
the Tuc-Tuc Martin picked up on the street.
Martin and Boonchai of Arthit restaurant. Martin's
favorite hangout while in Ao Nang. Boonchai is the owner. |
Any way you look at Tiap, she is very
attractive, no matter what she wears. But in the end, she thought Martin was
an ATM-man, a man that will give her unlimited amounts of money whenever she
wants it for whatever purpose. She was due to
visit Martin in Pattaya, but she never did. Martin gave her 4000 baths for
the bus fare. Tiap gave these baths to her mother. Martin doesn't care much
for her mother. That's Tiap's problem not Martin's.
End of story for Tiap. She went back to Vientiane and
stayed there after trying to milk Martin for more money. No dice. |
The next day, Saturday,
July 17th, it was time for a trip up River