Sep 17 - Duong Lam on the Lo river.
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Sep  6

Sep  7
Bai Dinh

Sep  8

Sep  9
Haiphong Bay

Sep 10
Haiphong Bay

Sep 11
Haiphong Harbour

Sep 12
Kinh Thai River

Sep 13
Ba Trang village

Sep 14

Sep 15
Lower Red River

Sep 16
Lo River

Sep 17
Da River

Sep 18
Hoa Binh

Sep 19
Hoa Binh

Sep 20
Off to Laos

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A very interesting visit to Duong Lam.

Sand bank in the river. They dredge the sand from the river and use it in construction work.

Narrow houses due to taxation on the width of the house, not squarage.

Nice flower pot outside one of the temples.

An angry scholar.

Jackfruit sellers.

The jackfruit is the biggest around, sweet and tasty.

Walking towards a dwelling.

June and Martin outside.

Selling chewing nuts that makes your teeth black.

June and Martin outside.

Inside a temple with old scholars lined up.

In the market they sell anythings.

Lovely ladies in white dresses for an photo-op.

Some colorful, nice ladies.

Tea at a local dweller.

The dinner menu. As always, the food was fantastic.

The chef preparing the starters, Wounton pork with shrimps.

The dining table is exquisite.

Wounton pork was great.

Then pumpkin soup.

Red wine front.

Read wine rear view. June preferred this one.

Martin had lamb shops from New Zealand.

On the rare side, but absolute delicious.

June had BBQ pork shops. Another of Martin's favorites.

Martin enjoys his HANOI beer. Best in the North.

Chocolate mousse with crisps. Absolute fantastic. In addition, Martin had some local rice wine to go with it.  

Sunday September 18th, was our last day on the ship.

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Last updated on Septenber 17, 2022 at 21:14 hours.