Sep 15 - Viet Tri
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Vietnam.

Sep  6

Sep  7
Bai Dinh

Sep  8

Sep  9
Haiphong Bay

Sep 10
Haiphong Bay

Sep 11
Haiphong Harbour

Sep 12
Kinh Thai River

Sep 13
Ba Trang village

Sep 14

Sep 15
Lower Red River

Sep 16
Lo River

Sep 17
Da River

Sep 18
Hoa Binh

Sep 19
Hoa Binh

Sep 20
Off to Laos

Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063

Martin spent the morning working on his PC and that one for Toan.

Early morning, passing under one of the bridges. Watch the video.

New setup for juices in the restaurant. Very nice.

Another bridge.

Lunch is great. Grilled duck breasts.

Paul's moustache.

Nice beer for lunch.

Paul Graham from Australia had he prostrate operated on. TURP operation. Martin will do the same.

Getting ashore on a building site.

June and Martin at the rails in new Pandaw shirts. Too small for Martin.

Our shuttle ferry that takes us ashore.

June on her own temple trip. Watch the video. Tay Phuong Temple.

Temple entrance.

Oldies up the stairs. Difficult to get on and off the bus.

Temple in the middle of a lake.

Geriatrics on tour.

Class photo.

Visiting a knife factory.

Getting the blades ready.

Making blades, hard and hot work.

Blades on top of Martin's favorite beer, Hanoi.

June with the grandmother in the house.

A very nice house indeed.

The we visited the wood carving shop.

And they could carve. Nice chair here, delivered all over Vietnam.

The wood carving expert hard at work.

Nice pond in the evening sun.

The group on its way back to the ship.

Our ship in the sunset.

On Friday September 16th, Lo River was next in line.

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Last updated on Septenber 18, 2022 at 23:32 hours.