July 15, 4000 meters and a barbeque

Daily activities July,  2007

  1. Monday

  2. Tuesday
    In Cyprus

  3. Wednesday
    Sun burned

  4. Thursday

  5. Friday
    Pool side

  6. Saturday
    Greek meal

  7. Sunday
    Last Day

  8. Monday
    Returning to Norway

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Summing it all up.

New personal record with 4000 meters in the pool and a barbeque at the next door hotel.

To the left, the evening beer on the veranda outside the room.

Watching the sun setting. Beautiful actually.

Toddlers back from a walk.

Sun gone behind Maistro hotel where the barbeque was held.

Weird Swedish bloke in action at the hotel. He never spoke to anyone, even when spoken to.

My acquaintance Tom met on July 10th.

Happy guys at the dinner table. A pleasant evening that passed very fast.  

The next day, Monday July 16, it was time for returning back to Norway.

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 Last updated on July 17, 2007 at 13:22 hours Norwegian time.