July 10, first day in Cyprus this time.

Daily activities July,  2007

  1. Monday

  2. Tuesday
    In Cyprus

  3. Wednesday
    Sun burned

  4. Thursday

  5. Friday
    Pool side

  6. Saturday
    Greek meal

  7. Sunday
    Last Day

  8. Monday
    Returning to Norway

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Summing it all up.

A lovely day at the pool. Martin swam 2500 meters (not new personal record) and tanned for 5 hours. But got sunburned as well.

The view from the room towards the Mediterranean sea.

Also a Star Tour hotel next door, The Maistro hotel.

The pool area with building going on next door.

The pool is international size, 16 3/4 meters long. Six length makes 100 meters. Martin swam 2500 meters the first day.

At the sun bed and with his has, Martin had too much sun the first day. Takes it easier the second day.

The Iris Beach Hotel without fridges in the rooms. Unheard of. First time ever.

Nico's shop accross the street where you get the basic necessities like beers.

The hotel seen from Nico's shop. Martin's room is ringed.

Nico's seen from Martin's room. Nice view.

On the orientation trip, Martin met up with another Norwegian escaping the raining Summer of Norway. He is an artist having his own webpage, www.bjornland.com. From which can be concluded his name is Bjørnland and his first name is Tom.

Our golden air-conned bus that took us around the island of Cyprus.

Greek old aunt at her local hangout.

Martin's neighbor on the bus. One of these Somalian so-called refugees from Sweden. With her husband and two youngsters.  

The next day, July 11, Martin spent at the poolside and got sunburned.

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 Last updated on July 17, 2007 at 13:20 hours Norwegian time.