Apr 22 - Miew and friends
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway and in Bangkok just now. Map of lovely Thailand and Jomtien.

April  2011

  1. Friday
    First day in Thailand
  2. Saturday
    Grand Tower Inn
  3. Sunday
  4. Monday
    Pattaya & Silver Sand
  5. Tuesday
    Kran's birthday
  6. Wednesday
    Jorunn's birthday
  7. Thursday
    Kran off to BKK
  8. Friday
    Nervous wreck
  9. Saturday
    Church porridge
  10. Sunday
    Lazy day
  11. Monday
    Lazy day
  12. Tuesday
    Condos for sale
  13. Wednesday
    Songkran, Thai New Year
  14. Thursday
    Jan's Condo
  15. Friday
    On the beach
  16. Saturday
  17. Sunday ViewTalay and Do Do Bar.
  18. Monday
    English and no beers.
  19. Tuesday
    Picking up Pawika
  20. Wednesday
    Lionel's birthday
  21. Thursday
    Daniel & Fandao
  22. Friday
    Miew &  friends
  23. Saturday
    Bar hopping
  24. Sunday
    Church breakfast
  25. Monday
    Back in Norway

More data?
email or
+47 901 83 492
+66 818 88 3575

Summing it all up.

We did some banking business for Weena, Kran's sister, met with Emma and gave some English books to Miew, a local bar girl from the North.
To the left, Kran in her army hat. They are popular in Thailand.

To the right, the silly bank that refused Martin to take pictures in the bank. Then he went inside and took a video clip without they noticing anything.

Emma is lovely as ever and will go to the UK for 6 months during July.

Then to city center for some banking business. The Pattaya beachfront in the background.

Kran studying some wigs.

Kran and Martin relaxing with a drink outside one little shop on the pavement. Cocy.

Kran studying the selection of Thai sweets. Very nice, but bad for you.

In the evening, Martin gave Miew two books on how to learn English. One dictionary and one conversational. Martin will follow her up.

Miew and two of her fellow bar girls at the Cozy Bar that plays oldies from the 50-ties and the 60-ties. Martin's music.  

The next day, Saturday April 23rd, it was time for another relaxing day with a visit to 3 different bars.

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Last updated on March 05, 2011 at 05:09 hours Norwegian time.