![](SmallOnes/Apr05P01SilverSandGarden_small.JPG) |
To the left, the beautiful indoor gardens of the SilverSand hotel.
After our swim, off to a nice birthday breakfast for Kran. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P02OffToBreakfast_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P04BirthDayJuice_small.JPG) |
The juice was fantastic. Martin had 4 glasses. The soup was
a little bit too hot for Martin, so he swapped with Kran's food that was
tolerably spiced. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P06HotBreakfast_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P07Washing_small.JPG) |
There is no balcony for our room. But Martin could
hang up his washing line. Kran got, among other things, a
new nose clip for her birthday. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P08NewGoggles_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P09PoolSide_small.JPG) |
The view from the sun beds. The sun was too strong, so
Martin preferred to lie in the shade. Note the roof garden on the far
Kran is having her birthday Spy, a popular drink in
Thailand among females. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P10HappyBirthDay_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P11ChangLightMan_small.JPG) |
Then the Chang guy arrived with Martin's favorite beer,
Chang Light. Five crates of it. And plenty water. Beer and
water is very popular drinks in Thailand. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P12HappyShopper_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P13AlankarnFacade_small.JPG) |
The Alangkarn Theater main entrance for the evening show.
A beautiful fountain of water on the outside. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P14WaterFountain_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P15TourBuses_small.JPG) |
Tourists, mainly from Thailand, arrived by the bus loads.
Martin and a not so happy Kran entering the main area. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P17AtEntrance_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P18BellTower_small.JPG) |
The bell tower in the middle of the square.
The main hall where the performance was staged with elephants and the works.
See “The Thai
Extravaganza Show” for details. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P19MainHall_small.JPG) |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P20FunnyGuy_small.JPG) |
A funny cartoon boy running around in the area.
At night, we popped in on a local girlie bar where they served hot pot food.
Very nice and tasty. A somewhat haggard and shy working girl backing away
from the pot as she thought Martin only wanted a picture of the pot. It was
not right. |
![](SmallOnes/Apr05P22StewPot_small.JPG) |