To the left, the seller of Orrach, Pimpel.
To the right, Pimpel's local shop close to Martin's place. Daynand, Martin's
driver know where they are. |
Road construction, Goan style.
The whole family busy at working on the road. |
On to the dentists'. Martin. Martin brought them
presents. They didn't. Lovely Sherryl in a friendly
discussion with her husband, Pascal, an extremely fancy name and a very good
story behind it. |
Sherryl is all smiles and very lovely. Pascal a
little withdrawn.
Sherryl and her husband in a professional discussion about
Martin's implant. They respect each other. Great. |
The building next door to the Pintos, Martin's
dentists. It is coming up. Martin has watched it as it came out of the
ground. Another fancy building next door. Gera's Imperium.
Who the heck is Gera? |
Big, fat bulk carriers shipping Goa's gold, iron
ore to Japan and China. On the road back, there was this
procession along the road for a new temple and another God. The Hindus have
millions of Gods. Some more godly than others. |
The wooden bridge. Mali lives with the owner of
this shop. Mali's back yard. |
Little local girl showing Martin the way to
Mali's house. Mali's joint. Here he stays. |
His front yard look great.
Time to have some cash to pay out Martin's driver, Daynand.
He costs money and know how to screw Martin for the most. |
Glean Eagles, Martin's favorite joint next to
the hotel. This water buffalo takes life easy. He (or she)
is not in a hurry to do anything. Life is great for both Martin the the
buffalo. |