Jun 5 - Lazy day at GM Doc Let Beach Resort & Spa.
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Leaving Nha Trang
for Whale Island

Jun 1
Whale Island

Jun 2
Whale Island

Jun 3
Whale Island

Jun 4
Whale Island

Jun 5
Paradise Resort  Doc Let

Jun 6
Paradise Resort  Doc Let

Jun 7 Back to
Nha trang


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Lazy day at GM Doc Let Beach Resort & Spa.

Martins thermometer measured 33 degrees in the water and 29 in the air. This was 0640 in the morning.

ViAnh and Martin is talking temperatures.

Martin on his swim. Watch ViAnh and Martin swimming.

Martin at the end of his swim after 90 minutes in the hot water.

Nice breakfast group.

ViAnh, Phuong and Martin at the breakfast. Simple but OK.

At lunch, it was raining and the children did swim wile raining and thundering.  

On Sunday June 6h, it was our last day at  GM Doc Let Beach Resort & Spa.

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Last updated on June 08, 2021 at 02:11 hours.