Nov 17 - 23, last week in Laos.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Vietnam.

Oct 25
Arrived in Vientiane, Laos

Oct 26-30
Vientiane, Moonlight

Oct 31-Nov 6
Vang Vieng

Nov 4
Busy day inVang Vieng

Nov 5-7
Vang Vieng

Nov 7-14
Vientiane, Sokdeee

Nov 15-16

Nov 17-24
Sokdee, Vientiane

Nov 24
Back to Nha Trang, Vietnam

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Rotten service from Laos Airlines.

June tried baby swallows. A traditional Laotian dish that taste nothing and is just bones.

This was at La Lune or The Moon in English.

Martin waiting outside.

Inside Yoree, lovely Korean restaurant.

The grilled salmon was perfectly done.

Then off to the airport to argue with Lao Airlines. A frustrating task.

The cops didn't want to talk to us since all 6 offices were closed.

So we had to go into some stupid mangeress' office with our clown boy.

This is the time stamp for the procrastinating insurance company.

Martin at the teller with no luck.

Empty departure hall.

Nothing there.

Off to La Lune with Woody. A very nice waiter.

Martin had fried smoked mackerel. Great.

But Lao beers are great.

When fat gets into the beer it goes flat. No foam.

In the evening, Martin had pedicure on his toes. Long overdue.

Saying good bye to the pool guy.

Selfie of pool guy, Martin and June.

Nice pool guy.,

Martin and pool guy.  


On Thursday November 24th, it was time to leave for Vietnam.

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Last updated on December 13, 2023 at 16:23 hours.