To the left, this picture is taken on route to the beach,
Granny Ragnhild and Martin posed in front of the small Hindu temples found
all over the country side. You can lit a candle and have your prayer.
Hinduism doesn't have the stick and carrot concepts of Christianity and
Muslimism as heaven and hell. Nice religion.
To the right, Granny and Kristin is getting ready to
settle in on the beach. This is a beach not too commercialized like the ones
in Mexico, Canary Islands and other tourist places. They didn't even charge
you for the sun beds. Very sympathetic. |
The locals dress properly for the beach. From top to toe.
The fish boats are dragged up onto the beach after a morning fishing trip
with their hairy fish net. |
Almost there. Using the old trusted method of wooden rollers
aft and fore. Kristin and Martin ready for some tanning.
Just two hours. A beautiful breeze makes you feel no sun at all. Dangerous. |
On the way back, we passed the temple again.
The palms crowning the road up to the taxi stand did have some coconuts in
various stages of ripeness. Cute. |
Our friendly cabdriver Angelo was always looking for some
extra business. At 1500 hours, he is due to pick us all up for a trip to the
market, a biweekly event. In the evening, it was time for a
trip to the market. Boy do you get hassled with sellers. |
One of the many leftover houses from the
Portuguese colonial times. Most of them are vacated since they are too big
or two expensive to stay in. They are scattered all over
Goa. |
The market place. Incredible no
of salesmen. And women for that matter. |
Busy streets. With goodies of
all kind. |
After being tricked into buying two Kashmirian
scarves for an exorbitant sum, they are happy, and after all, Martin
couldn't complain either. Birthday presents for his daughter Tanya in
London. Grandma and Kirsten doing some shopping of their
own. Grandma was a tough cookie and could drive a hard bargain. |
Scarves in all shapes and colors where
everywhere. One of the better places where inside an
enormous tent with fans and a pub where you didn't get haggled. Martin
stayed there while Grandma and Kristin did their business. |
Martin enjoying his beer. They have an odd size
for their beers. Normal 33 centiliters or this one, 65. Two
brats from the UK ogling the goods while showing theirs off. |
One of the salesmen take a nap away from all the
hustle and bustle of the selling business. One Tibetanian
sales couple that Grandma and Kristin did business with. |
On the way back, the market was closing and
extremely crowded as everybody were packing up and trying to get away.
Teena, Norwegian gal from Oslo with refreshed war paint ready for the kill.
The three of us had dinner together at the hotel. |
Martin and Lovely Rita sharing a giggle at the
dinner table at night at the hotel. |