Aug 30 - a lay day and oyster lunch.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway, Thailand and Cambodia.



Aug 26
Leaving Nha Trang

Aug 27
at Phu Quoc

Aug 28
Phu Quoc

Aug 29
Phu Quoc

Aug 30
Phu Quoc

Aug 31
Phu Quoc

Sep 1
Extra day in Saigon
Due to Ticket screw-ups

Sep 2


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Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+847 7753 6063

Not much was done. Oyster lunch and got photo gift printed out.

Phuong like to pose.

Tallest tree in the garden.

Pool cleaned for a chenge.

Cab that took us around.

Martin got his gift picture printed out.

Martin with his liquid lunch. Plus oysters.

ViAnh pulling funny faces.

ViAnh and her grandma.

ViAnh had giant snails for lunch. Martin cannot stomach them.

Rubbish is omnipresent in Vietnam, sad to say and this place is no exception.

Can seat som 200 guests and we were 6.

Barge manouvering in the harbor.

Martin at a lone restaurant while the ladies went windows shopping.

Across the street they played some horrible music very loud.

Martin at his lone restaurant with the music across the street.  

On ??day September ?th, it was time for

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Last updated on March 01, 2020 at 15:54 hours.