May 14-22, Nha Trang
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Tuy Hoa.



Jan 5-9, Nha Trang

Jan 9-11, Da Nang

Jan 12-14, Hue

Jan 16-27, Nha trang

Jan 27-28, Paradise Resort

Jan 29-Feb01, Tuy Hoa

Feb02. Leaving for Laos.

Feb18-20, Back in Tuy Hoa

Feb 21-23, Nha Trang.

Feb 24-25, Paradise.

Feb 26-28, Tuy Hoa.

Feb 29, Leaving for Norway.

Apr 24-27, Vietnam.

Apr 28-May 3, Tuy Hoa.

May 4-9, Nha Trang.

May 10-13, Paradise Resort

May 18, Evening cruise

May 14-21, Nha Trang

May 22-24, Paradise Resort

May 25-29, Tuy Hoa

May 30-31, BinhHoa

June 1-5, Haiphong

June 6-15, Nha trang




Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063

We had a nice island trip on the 16th of May.
And and evening cruise on May 18th.

This is where we embarked on our island trip. Watch the video.

On the boat.

Taking off in a small boat.

June on the island.

On shore.

Lovely pool, 100 meters long.


Ready to swim.

Waiting to depart.

Arrived on island.

At the long pool, 100 meters long.

In the pool.

Mr. Rock from The Royal International School in Saigon. Watch his video.


The Royal International School  having games on the beach.


Arrived on the first island.

Beach view.

The dinner was great on a floating restaurant. Fish is great.

Lot of people joining in for lunch.


The front disk on June's bike was broken.


The front wheel taken apart.



June's bike in pieces.

Martin enjoys his early morning swims. 1750 meters at 90-95 minutes. Watch the video.

Nothing as a cold beer after a swim.


In the evening of May 18th, we went for a SUNSET COCKTAIL AND DINNER CRUISE in Nha Trang harbor.

Have a look at Martin's pictures.


On Sunday, May 19th, we went for a buffet lupper in Nha Trang Center.

The symbol of the restaurant.

Some of the lovely food you can select from.

Seafood selection.

Cooking seafood.

Plenty of fresh vegetables.

Martin and the waiter. Great guy.

Salad selection.


Martin had fun with the waiter.

Martin likes popcorn.  
On Monday, May 20th, we said hello to the old lady.

She is 89 and expect to die soon. Her children have abanded her. Real shits.

On Monday, May 22nd, Martin had brunch with 2-liter kegs of beers before we went to Paradise Resort.  

On day May 22nd, it was time to go to Paradise resort again.

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Last updated on June 04, 2024 at 08:36 hours.