Jan 5-9, Nha Trang
Jan 9-11, Da Nang
Jan 12-14, Hue
Jan 16-27, Nha trang
Jan 27-28, Paradise Resort
Jan 29-Feb01, Tuy Hoa
Feb02. Leaving for Laos.
Feb18-20, Back in Tuy Hoa
Feb 21-23, Nha Trang.
Feb 24-25, Paradise.
Feb 26-28, Tuy Hoa.
Feb 29, Leaving
for Norway.
Apr 24-27, Vietnam.
Apr 28-May 3, Tuy Hoa.
May 4-9, Nha Trang.
May 10-13, Paradise Resort
May 18, Evening cruise
May 14-21, Nha Trang
May 22-24, Paradise Resort
May 25-29, Tuy Hoa
May 30-31, BinhHoa
June 1-5, Haiphong
June 6-15, Nha trang
Any questions ?
Use email
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063
| |
left Tuy Hoa and saw one of the filthiest garages ever.
The filthiest garage in
Here is a closer look. |
Rubbish everywhere.
Standard VN toilets. You
have to be acrobatic to crap in this one. |
Back at the house, Khao
is unloading his car. At least he was capable of doing that. Note the
rubbish next to the cooler.
The rubbish next
to our house grew bigger. Vietnamese are pigs. Throw rubbish everywhere. |
Mockba got a new, strong
undrinkable beer, Red Horse.
Across the street, another hotel is going up. |
On Saturday Aug 24th, it was time to
vist Paradise Resort again.