Not ready yet
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Tuy Hoa.



Jan 5-9, Nha Trang

Jan 9-11, Da Nang

Jan 12-14, Hue

Jan 16-27, Nha trang

Jan 27-28, Paradise Resort

Jan 29-Feb01, Tuy Hoa

Feb02. Leaving for Laos.

Feb18-20, Back in Tuy Hoa

Feb 21-23, Nha Trang.

Feb 24-25, Paradise.

Feb 26-28, Tuy Hoa.

Feb 29, Leaving for Norway.

Apr 24-27, Vietnam.

Apr 28-May 3, Tuy Hoa.

May 4-9, Nha Trang.

May 10-13, Paradise Resort

May 18, Evening cruise

May 14-21, Nha Trang

May 22-24, Paradise Resort

May 25-29, Tuy Hoa

May 30-31, BinhHoa

June 1-5, Haiphong

June 6-15, Nha trang




Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063

Martin was in great pain the last day in Vietnam.

Having dinner at Hidden next Door to our hotel A25 with June's daughter.

June's daughter.

Martin outside for the last beer for this time.

Boarding the plane to Norway via Doha.

On Friday March 1st, it was time to

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Any comments?

Last updated on June 04, 2024 at 08:36 hours.