Dec 12-20, Nha Trang.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Nha Trang, Vietnam.



Dec  5 -  11, Tuy Hoa

Dec  12 - 20, Nha Trang

Dec   20 - 23, Rami's joint.

Dec 23 - 25, Paradise Resort

Dec 25 - 31, Sala Grand, Tuy Hoa


Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+847 7753 6063

Back in Nha Trang, Martin started his daily routines again.

Mockba was closed, so we went to La Villa in Nha Trang. This is the opposite view with a house freshly painted in lovely green colors.


Martin with his first morning beers in Nha Trang after a lovely 73 minutes swim.

June getting her nails done.

Lovely breakfast restaurant.


They have some very beautiful artificial flower decorations.



Martin happy with his morning beers.



And very happy with his ribs for breakfast.

Dec 16th, time for crispy fish and beers.


The beers are really good. 3 liters in this can.

They had lovely flowers in the garden.

And a very nice setup.

Martin at his old pool that has been closed and made into a restaurant.

Only a little bit of the pool shows. The deep part.

It is locked and the water is bad.

Across the street for Mockba, they are building a new hotel that will also be empty.

We had dog meat on the 18th. Dud taste like shit.

The next day we went to Martin's old pool which is now a restaurant.

They had some hefty beers there. 3 liters.

But is was OK and too big.

The young owner, Duy only 21 years old.

Martin is always enjoying his beers.

It is nice.

And they had their opening night on Dec 20th.

It was fully packed.

And plenty of food was consumed.

The next morning we went to Anrizon for breakfast.

It was a nice setup.

On Saturday December 20th, it was time Rami at Wyndham Garden Cam Ranh Resort, 60 kms from Nha Trang.

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Last updated on December 24, 2023 at 11:40 hours.