The pool in the morning where Martin has his swims.
The stair is missing a step. Physical maintenance of the hotel is lacking.
It is slowly crumbling and falling apart. |
A pane in the door is missing. Why don't the ownwers
care for their property? Very short-time greeda attitude.
On to the dam, Nam Ngum. |
A fancy house on the road.
This is down streams. |
Lai in front of the dam wall.
The outlet from the power generetors that produces some 115MWatts, or some
730 GigaWattHours of electrical energy. |
Martin on the top.
Strict rules for entering the power plant, and rightly so. |
A bush cut like an elephant.
Martin and Lai with the Mekong downstream. |
Lai with Bankk and his new car.
The entrance to the power plant. |
The bare stone walls next to the
road. Martin and Lai posing in front of the dam
wall. |
Lai and her flowers.
Lai in the storm drain. |
Here you see the storm
drain in its full glory. Lai overlooking the
river down stream. |
The river down stream.
It looks nice. |
The road to the top of
the dam. Some very special fruit called duane
fruit from a tree. |
The official sign of
the dam. Martin wants one too. |
Bankk and Lai sharing a
joke. Bankk and Lai having fun. |
Martin and Lai on the
way down to the dam. |
The boats taking
tourists for trips and lunches on the dam. The
seaside restaurant where the boats are moored. |
Matin and Lai on the
gangway to the restaurant. Martin and Lai almost
there. |
Looking back towards
the land side. The restaurant. |
The boats.
Walking down. |
Facilities next door.
Ready to go on board the boat called "Noah's Arch" in Laotian. |
Bankk and the local
waitress that took care of us. Another of the
restaurant boats on the lake. |
Bankk and Martin having
a beer. The neighboring boats. |
Ready to board.
Lai at the waiting table. |
The restaurant is more
than big enough for big parites. Finally on
board. |
Settling in at the
dinner table. We were the only guests on board.
Nice dinner table with a lot of loud music. |
The gangway.
Lai and Bankk at the table. |
The dam is by Martin to
be some 70-80% full. You clearly see the 4-5 meters that the water level is
below full mark. Lovely lunch on the boat. |
Here the bare stones
show where the high water mark once were.
Seashore houses on tilts. |
Another setup with
restaurants and boats as we glided past on our boat.
The noisy music equipment on board. Not to Martin's taste, but when the
volume was down, it was not too bad. |
Seashore view.
Another seashore view. |
The main part of the
dam. The full dam. It is impressive. |
View of the lake.
They are expanding the facilities. The dam produces more than enough energy
for Laos and 30% is exported to Thailand. |
Busy with the dinner.
It was nice and we were the only ones on baord. Monday is a quiet day for
business. Mostly Laotians come here during the weekends. |
You got two boxes of
beer and cool-drinks plus a bucket of ice. You only paid for what you drank.
Very good setup. Martin and Lai having fun on
the boat. |
The dinner setup was
very nice and we ordered what we wanted before departure.
A very nice setup that is recommended to everyone that arrives in Laos. |
A funny structure in
the middle of the dam. Its feet are not dry any
more. |
Funny structure. Who
decided to put this one up? Good idea. The
stairs up to the first floor was not particularly safe. |
The steps up to the
second floor was even more unsafe. But the view
was OK. |
On the first floor was,
of course, a souvenir shop. With stacks of dried
fish from the dam and rivers adjoining it. |
More dried fish.
The steps to the third floor was even more rickety. Martin passed these and
didn't go up. |
Baskets of all kind.
Bankk bought some stuff too. |
The stairs downstairs
looked rather scary. A different kind of dry
fish. |
The thousand islands
lake you can call this dam. It should be more than 2000 island in the dam.
Our boat from the top. |
Two lone chicken on the
island. Martin and Lai on their way down the
stairs. |
Lai is pulling her face
when she realizes the price of the fish. But it was in kip, the local
currency. Martin on the first floor of the
construction. |
Lai with the shopping
lady. Lai is getting her fish. |
An island, clearly
showing the water table is far lower than full. |
Under the feet of the
structure. Martin one one of the foot of the
structure. |
Back in port.
It is a nice view. |
The back to Bankk's new
car. Off we go. |
Martin in Bankk's car.
The last view of the dam. |
Back in town, our
treasured view of the Victory Monument. It is
very homely. |