Feb 1 - 7, last week in Thailand.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning They are small copies of The real thing. You just click Them. The weaTher in Norway and in Thailand. Martn lives as Jomtien Beach Condominium.

Aug 12 - 19

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Martin's last 7 days in Thailand.

The temperature in Thailand is back to normal. 30 degree centigrade in the shade.

Boss at the new table that Lai bought.

Farewell to our hotel.  The Akelada hotel had 12,5 meters long swimming pool. The boss there is a lovely woman called Pornpilai at 080 4745 597. Contact her for booking.

Last look at a lovely pool at The Akelada hotel's pool.

The name of the hotel,  The Akelada hotel  in Thai.

Another look at it.

Back home, Lai is killing the fish that her son Boss had catched.

Lai not happy with her killing spree.

Back at the pool the following day, Lai is picking up some drinking water.

The hotel is nice.

Last look at the front. The Akelada hotel.

Lai finished swimming.

Martin is getting dressed.

The hotel cab is passing by.

Last look at the pool.

The hotel sign above the hotel.

Nice bush at the hotel.

The gate to the pool.

Lai's car outside the pool under shelter.

Martin is surprised.

Waiting for brunch at a local café.

On the 5th, Suza picked us up at Lai's house.

On the road, half way to Bangkok.  
Feb 6th, Bangkok.
Martin at the pool at The Ambassador, early in the morning.

The pool is very clear and untouched and has been cleaned automatically during the whole night.

Lai likes to pose with big fishes.

Lai at the top of the Tower Block at The Sky bar.

Martin is helping himself to the breakfast table.

Lai at the nicely set breakfast table.

Lai at the breakfast table.

Overlooking Bangkok.

Lai at the entrance desk.

Lai likes fishes.

Martin with a local taxi driver out of work due to all the problems in Bangkok.

Martin getting some tan before going back to a bleak, cold and dreary Norway.

The pool is used in the afternoon.

Lai with her dead friend at her side.

Lai don't like the sun and lies en the shade all day while Martin is tanning in the sun.

Martin's dope peddler and of other goods as well.

The hallway outside Room 363 and the pool

Lai likes to pose with beers, not to drink them.

Lai with Martin's Eisbein mit Sauerkraut und kartofflen.

Lai and Martin at table 45.

Lai likes spicy food made by this lady.

Feb 7th, leaving Bangkok.
Martin waiting for his lunch next to The Ambassador.

Lai is waiting for breakfast too.

Lai lay in wait for the Sky Train and managed to take this picture at last.

Martin got his breakfast at last. It was worth waiting for.

Lai is posing in front of the entrance of the hotel.

Posing in front of the horse, symbolizing the Chinese New Year, the year of the Horse.

Martin is doing the last preparations before departin.

Downtown Bangkok on the way to the airport.

Inside Suza's cab, the ceiling is covered in bills from all over the world.

Martin arrived at the entrance hall.

Had to queue up to get his back-pack on to the plane.

Since Martin has Premier Card with Qatar, he went through the fast line of security. Very convenient. Here inside after passing the security control.


The big snake inside is an impressive view.

Finally, boarded his flight on Qatar airline.

Feb 8th, back in Norway.
Arriving Doha for a short stopover.

Martin was travelling on a Dream-liner, a very nice plane. Seen here leaving Doha.

Arriving in Oslo onboard this dream-liner. It was cold, but sunshine in Oslo.

Waiting for the train to take him to his hometown of Tønsberg.

On the train back to Martin's hometown, Tønsberg, you can watch this video taken through the windows of the train. Quite scenic.  
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Last updated on May 16, 2016 at 01:30 hours.