To the left, an early morning view out to a wet and humid
landscape. To the right, Martin with his new shirt from Goa. |
Ao's new fancy SUV with all the trimmings.
Martin visited his old hotel, the Silver Sand. |
The Primeville Hotel in Oa Nang where Apollo has their
guests. Lovely pool. Martin went for a beer and water and
these three love Thai ladies loved to pose. Martin gave them a printout. |

Kik at Arthrits restaurant and Internet café, is a lovely
girl with a lovely hair and lovely smile.
Back on top of Silver Sand, the familiar view from
last time in December 2008.
The top room pool is short but has a lovely view of the
town. |

Anna SnyggTjei (Swedish for Lovely Lass)
Martin met in the men's toilet. Most beautiful woman Martin ever met in a
men's room ever!
Martin, with no rights to be here, enjoying the scorching
sun of Thailand. But Martin has training from his recent
stay in Goa which further North of Thailand. |
Life has never been better for Martin. After
one roof top down pour of tropical rain, Martin didn't wait for the second
one and went to his favorite pub, Arthris to watch it. The heavens really
opened up. |
Nice, wet and fresh. The water came through
the roof so the tables were all wet. The staff is seen here cleaning up. |
Back to Arcadian Villa, the local Tuc-Tuc driver is all
smiles. View from the Tuc-Tuc. |
There are only 5% Muslims in Thailand. Good for them.
The poor girls being forced to wear the unpopular scarf of
Islam. |