Sep 10 - first day in Angkor Wat
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway and in Thailand.

Aug 30 - Departure

Aug 31 - Bangkok

Sep 1 -Saigon

Sep 2 -CAI BE

Sep 3 - TAN CHAU





Sep 8 - Angkor Wat

Sep 9 - Angkor Wat
Regency Angkor Hotel

Sep 10 - Angkor Wat

Sep 11 - Angkor Wat
Cambodia Shooting Range

Sep 12 - Angkor Wat

Sep 13 - Angkor Wat

Sep 14 - Angkor Wat

Sep 15 - Bangkok-Jomtien

Any questions ?
Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+6681 049 0551

Computer hassles and a trip downtown.

Lai at the entrance of our hotel.

The front of the Regency Angkor Hotel.

Lai with our TukTuk drier.

On route to Siem Reap in the local transport.

Another hotel.

Stacks of transport.

A visit to Khmer Kitchen Restaurant was a pleasant surprise. Good beer for a reasonable price. Here Martin.

Lai wanted to try the mug as well.

Excellent mackerel, just like in Norway.

Lai having fun with one of the waiters, not Sounvisall.

The facade was impressive and it was nice to sit on the second floor watching the traffic and people below.


The main entrance of The Khmer Kitchen Restaurant.

The street life below.

Martin getting some local cash.

Lai up to our hotel.

Off on the road again.

Martin and his ATM. They caused some hassle with the card.

Our TukTuk driver is waiting for us.

The main entrance is impressie.

Martin arriving at the hotel.

The main hall.

The lift section.  

On Monday September 11th, it was time for a longer trip

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 Last updated on  October 07, 2017 at 02:27 hours.