To the left, the lovely, narrow passage to the pool passed
the hotel rooms. Martin was up and about at 0700 this fine morning of
December 27th. To the right, the pool was closed, but that
didn't stop Martin for his early morning swim of a 1000 meters. A couple of
hours later, he covered another 1000 to make it the standard grand total of
2000 meters a day. Good boy. |
Local entertainment at the hotel. TV in a box. They had CNN
and Martin was happy. This is the Christmas pool after
Martin had his swim. |
On the road to Panaji, Martin passed this Buddhist temple as
he has done many times before. In Panaji, Martin found this
grumpy brat thinking she is the greatest. She isn't. |
One of the water towers next to the dentist's office.
On the road to Coco beach, you have these poor women tarring the road by
hand. What a job. |
Back to lovely Coco beach. This time around, it was crowded,
due to the high season of the year. Next year April, it will be better.
You have the outhouse, but wading through the filth was not an option. Do
your crapping in the hotel and peeing in the sea. Martin did. |
In the shade with no wind, it was hot. Close to 400
Centigrade. In the wind, it was 34 and in the sea, exactly 300.
Hot enough for a Northerner.
Beach view. Lot of Indians this time of the year. With
dresses. |
The Indian ladies like to dress up before going to see. Foot
long dresses are in when bathing in the sea. Martin and
Sunny taken towards the sea. The flash wasn't strong enough. |
Sunny and Martin taken from the sea. The light is much
better. Long dressed Indian lady just after her dip in the
sea. |
Suren on his way back to the car. He longed for this.
On the way back, Martin stopped at the pharmacy to get his prescription anti
biotic drugs for his op the next day. This pharmacist was very shy. But
cute. |
Martin stocking up on beers using his trusty rucksack to
carry it in to the hotel. They are preparing the rice fields
for the rainy season to start some time in May. Martin will be back in
April, just after Easter. |