Oct 21 - More Tuy Hoa.
The pictures below are thumbnails, meaning they are small copies of the real thing. You just click them. The weather in Norway & Vietnam.

Oct  15, 2022
Nha Trang
Tran Vien Dong

Oct  16
Nha Trang Montana

Oct  17
Nha Trang

Oct  18
Nha Trang

Oct  19
Nha Trang

Oct  20 off to
Tuy Hoa

Oct  21
Tuy Hoa

Oct  22
Tuy Hoa

Oct  23
Tuy Hoa

Oct  24
Off to SGN

Oct  25
Off to Laos


Any questions ?

Use email or
+47 901 83 492
+84 777 536 063

Lovely, lazy day with the most amazing food for lunch and dinner.

Having a chat outside the room in front of the pool.

The main pool is closer to the sea.

It is really nice, where you can see the waves crashing on the beach.

Having fun at the lunch table.

Martin's goose breast. Fantastic.

The lunch of our threesome.

It is fun.

the new hotel, Grand Sala next door.

Evening meal at the main restaurant.

Martin had lamb chops from New Zealand. Juicy as hell.

On Friday October 22nd, it was time for a visit to ViAnh's school.

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Last updated on October 22, 2022 at 05:27 hours.