The following pictures are taken on January 6th, 2010. It was a miserable, cold, windy day. Martin hates it.

To the left, an old bike snowed in.

Martin spent 30 minutes to dig himself out of the snow to get from his garage to the street.

Car tracks in the snow.

At work, Martin is parked.

Best part of work, the lunch table.

Laila, the excellent cook at Martin's work. She makes very good food.

Martin's car is snowed in during the day. Before leaving, the car has to be cleaned.

Martin's veranda is snowed under.

It looks nice.

Towards the East or entrance side of the house.

Martin's fir tree.

This is Martin's hedge towards the North.

A rotating snow plow is a must to get the bloody snow away.

Almost finished.

Martin's favorite picture, his barbeque.  

These were winter- and autumn pictures. There are pictures from his Summer Garden. Have a look.

Any comment concerning contents, misspelling and erroneous links are welcome. Any pictures you want?

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Updated on July 12, 2013 at 13:08 hours GMt+1.